
Zulu Marine Dredging Services

Zulu’s dredging division has been constructed with expertise and specialized equipment to provide a best-case scenario option to the many different means, methods and facets of the dredging industry. Our capabilities cover a vast range of solutions both in mechanical and hydraulic dredging methods.

Hydraulic Dredging

Our fleet of hydraulic dredging systems include options ranging from 4-inch to 12-inch with most customizable for the specific needs of the projects including:

  • An amphibious 4-inch auger dredge able to access areas typical dredges or long-reach dredges can’t access.

  • Multiple auger dredges from 6 to 8 inches with production capabilities up to 100 CY per hour, ideal for lagoons, channel maintenance and lined ponds.

  • Multiple submersible systems from 6 to 12 inches with Toyo type pumps able to achieve very high percent solids that can be mounted on very maneuverable platforms. In place of conventional suction dredges, these systems can reach higher production rates in hard to maneuver places such as marinas, as well as in deeper water up to 100 feet, with no suction restrictions.

Mechanical Dredging

Our mechanical dredging capabilities utilize amphibious excavators, which are ideal for places lacking access via water. In addition, our fleet of sectional barges allows us to mobilize our excavators or clamshell for specific projects.

Dredging Applications

  • Private lakes and ponds such as HOAs and golf courses or county properties
  • Industrial lagoons and retention ponds
  • Marinas, ports, docks, boat ramps
  • Tidal or freshwater waterways

  • Navigational channels
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